Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Sea of monsters, why the movie sucked.


Hello Percy Jackson fans (i assume your fans otherwise why are you reading?) I saw the Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters movie today and i have to say i was disappointed it was not untill near the end of the film that i was it was OK until when they got the golden fleece. as soon as they left the cave they were confronted by Luke and his army where they took the fleece and tied the up in the amusement park on the Cyclops' island which i didn't know why it was there and had cronous' coffin there Luke then used the fleece to heal cronous and he came back as a giant rock man! he is meant to take over Luke's body in the 4TH BOOK not this one and he is meant to be put together by demigods joining his cause not the golden fleece!!! Luke is eaten by cronous and has no backbiter! Percy's blade (riptide) is the cursed blade and magically is connected to cronouses coffin so when Percy hits the giant rock cronous ,crounous is put back as pieces of his coffin! what is that about?!?!?! plus Annabeth is killed by the manticore which doesn't appear for another book but then straight after she died she was healed by the golden fleece, grover was also swallowed by cronous but when he was killed grover and Luke are fine but Luke got trapped with the Cyclops. by the way "mist" in the books is everywhere but in the films it is a spray on thing that you have to buy plus people drink nectar like its alcohol and just have glasses of it to celebrate! YOU COULD DIE YOU IDIOTS

i apologise for the ranting and i went on a little but i was angry, i realise that the movie is just based on the books but come on! look at how much was wrong and i didn't mention a lot of it like how Luke's cruse ship is now a yacht!

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